Membership is closed for 2024
Please follow the steps below to complete the registration process.
Please follow the steps below to complete the registration process.
Step 1: Click the Membership Registration button below, complete form and submit. Remember, even returning members must register annually!
If paying by Paypal go to Step 2, if not go to Step 3
If paying by Paypal go to Step 2, if not go to Step 3
Step 2: If paying via Paypal*: Click the appropriate membership button below. This will bring you to your Paypal cart. If you are also opting out of volunteering, hit the back button on your browser to return to the Kenholm website and then Click the "Volunteer Opt out Fee" button to add to your cart. Complete transaction.
*please note Paypal charges a transaction fee
*please note Paypal charges a transaction fee
Step 3: If you prefer to pay by check, please make payable to Kenholm Pool Association in the amount of the appropriate membership type as noted above, plus the opt-out fee of $50 (if you are opting out of volunteering).
Please send payments to Julie Morgan, 86 Devon Road, Delmar, NY 12054
Please send payments to Julie Morgan, 86 Devon Road, Delmar, NY 12054